The Orchard
The Orchard
The Orchard
The Orchard
The Orchard




The Orchard

Welcome to the Moss Valley Primary Academy's Orchard Provision

Please click on the tabs below for more information:

Reading at Home

We love to read! Four days a week, we have a ‘Big Read’ lesson, focusing in depth on a book. In these lessons, we use our inference skills to answer questions based on the book; e learn new vocabulary and we discuss structure, grammar settings and characters. All children are given the opportunity to read aloud, and answer questions. We also have a class reader – a book the teacher reads daily for enjoyment.

We encourage children weekly to take a new book home. When a child reads at home or in school and completes a book, they complete a quiz on accelerated reader. This software captures their reading ability and how many words they are reading. The more quizzes passed, the higher the word count. The children earn certificates and rewards for increased word counts.


Homework for children in the The Orchard is reading that is set along with any bespoke pieces of worK that is given. You can support us in school by reading at home as much as possible and remembering to sign their reading records. Please read with your child at least 3 times per week. They will have a reading book and a library book. If your child is part of the Read, Write Inc group then they will also have a ditty book to read.

Children can access a range of online home learning tools to aid with homework. We have online website that they can access at home including TTrockstars and Reading Wise.


Class 2 take part in a 20 minute ‘Ready Steady Spell’ session three times a week in which they learn a range of spelling strategies needed for spelling new words and accurate recall.

Spelling assessments will take place every half-term in which the children will be tested on the words and spelling rules that have been practised.


All children in Class 2 integrate with their main school class to take part in PE sessions led by EdStart Specialist Education. tHE Pe days are as follows:

Year 4 Tuesday

Year 5 Monday

Year 6 Tuesday

Children are to bring their PE kits into school at each half term and they can be kept in school until the end of the half term. Please name all of your children’s clothing – including shoes. We encourage and support our children to be as independent as they can when dressing themselves. 

Below is a list for our PE Kit. We do understand, however, that some of our children have sensory needs which may require some adaptations to the standard PE kit and this can be discussed with the teacher.

Standard PE Kit:

White T-Shirt

Black Shorts

Black pumps or trainers

Black leggings or joggers (during the colder weather)

Plain black or dark blue hoodie (during the colder weather)

Snacks & Water Bottles

Children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack to eat a playtime, for example, a cereal bar or a piece of fruit. They can also bring in their own water bottles.


Phonics is the teaching of sounds in order to learn to read and write.

Children are grouped according to their reading ability for phonics in order to ensure that they are learning exactly what they need and make the best possible progress. We learn sounds along with Fred the Frog and these are built into words for reading and writing. Words become sentences and sentences become stories. A wide world of possibilities is opened up for your child.


In English, throughout the year we will write a range of fiction and non-fiction pieces following the school’s writing scheme ‘Ready Steady Write’. 

Pathway 3 children will integrate with their respective year groups in main body of school.

Pathway 2:

Our writing will be based on a different book each half term. Each unit of work will follow the same structure. Firstly, the children are immersed into the text, then they will analyse the features of the writing style, which leads them to planning their own piece of writing and eventually writing it. Children are all given individualised support based on their needs to help with their learning. 

Over the year, these are the books and writing styles that we will cover in class 2:

· A River by Marc Martin (Circular Narrative and Letter)

· The Night Gardener by The Fan Brothers (Setting Narrative and Diary)

· The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis (Finding Narrative and Instructions)

· Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies (Return Narrative and Information Text)

· The King Who Banned The Dark by Emily Haworth Booth (Persuasive Letter and Banning Narrative)

· Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty (Invention Narrative and Explanation Text)


Children is class 2 are working across a range of levels and pathways and are taught according to their current level of ability. 

Pupils on pathway 3 integrate into our main school class to access their learning.

Pupils on pathway 2 are split into groups and follow the same curriculum to the main site classes but adapted to each child’s individual ability. 

We use the White Rose Maths Scheme to teach our children which has a consistent and visual approach to learning. It follows a mastery approach which teaches a concept in depth before moving on to the next topic. We offer a range of mathematical concrete resources to support the learning of all pupils.


Children is class 2 are working across a range of year groups and pathways and are taught according to their current level of ability. 

Pupils on pathway 3 integrate into our main body of school to access their learning.

Pupils on pathway 2 are split into groups and follow the same curriculum to the main site classes with adapted lessons to support each child’s individual needs.