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Our volunteers cover a range of duties from reading with the children, supporting writing, reading activities, producing displays, assisting on school trips and attending swimming sessions. The children enjoy having new adults in their classrooms and volunteers have been invaluable to both Teachers and Learning Support Assistants.
Our volunteers find their experience in school both useful and highly rewarding.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please speak to the school office on 0161 464 0695 or e-mail office@mossvalleyacademy.uk
Achievement - Describes both attainment i.e the level achieved and the progress you have made from a starting point.
AfL - Assessment for Learning
Assessment for Learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.
APP - Assessing Pupils’ Progress
APP is a structured approach to periodically assessing maths, science, reading, writing and speaking and listening skills.
AST - Advanced Skills Teacher
ATL - Association of Teachers and Lecturers
Attainment - The actual level attained and/or results.
Attainment Targets - A general defined level of ability that a pupil is expected to achieve in every subject at each key stage in the National Curriculum.
Blending - To draw individual sounds together to pronounce a word, e.g. f l a p, blended together, reads flap
CiC - Children in Care
CLA - Children Looked After
Core Subjects - English, maths and science: all pupils must study these subjects up to Key Stage 4
CPD - Continuing Professional Development
Creative Curriculum - There are numerous different interpretations exist for the concept ‘the creative curriculum’. In some schools it means topics or themes, in others it means asking children what they want to learn.
CSS - Children’s Support Service, this is the new name for Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)
DBS - Disclosure & Barring Service
DBS refers to the new agency created out of a merger between the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA), its full title is The Disclosure and Barring Service. The checks and information provided will remain the same but will be branded DBS Checks.
DfE - Department for Education
Differentiation – a wide variety of teaching techniques and lesson adaptations that teachers use to pupils of differing abilities in the same class.
EAL - English as an additional language
EBacc - English Baccalaureate
EBD - Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
EHC Plan - Educational Health Care Plan
An education, health and care plan is a document that says what support a child or young person who has special educational needs should have. “
EMTAS - Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service
ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages or English as a Second or Other Language
If English is not your main language you can take part in a course to help you improve your English. These courses are called ESOL.
EWO - Education Welfare Officer
EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage. A framework of care and Education for children from borth to fiver years of age. This stage typically means Nursery and Reception Classes.
FFT - Fischer Family Trust
FSM - Free School Meals
FTE - Full Time Equivalent
G & T - Gifted and Talented
Gifted are those with high ability in one or more academic subject and the talented are those with high ability in sport, music, visual or performing arts.
GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education
HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HMI - Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools
ICT - Information and Communication Technology
IEP - Individual Education Plan for SEN pupils
iGCSE - International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Inclusion - Removing barriers in learning so all pupils can participate at their own level.
INSET - In Service Education and Training
Training for staff which takes place during the school year.
ISA - Independent Safeguarding Authority
ITT - Initial Teacher Training
IWB - Interactive Whiteboard
Admissions & Exclusions
School Performance Tables
Free Access to Past KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers
Free Online Books
Online Safety Information from the BBC
Salford City Council Website
Information for Parents & Professionals (Children aged 0-5)
Internet Safety Website
Headlice Treatment Information
Words for Life